Friday, October 26, 2007


I *FINALLY* got an invitation to join Ravelry! I've been waiting for months. This morning I pop online to check email and lo and behold! There it invitation from frecklegirl to join Ravelry! I am so jazzed!

I have been an exceptionally poor blogger the last several months. But, in my defense, since my last post I found out that my husband is lower than pond scum and actually belongs in jail (where he has been for the last couple of months) and I've been trying to get a divorce. Coming out as unscathed as possible is my primary goal right now.

On the upside, I have a nephew, Jackson, who was born July 7th, and a neice, Kylie, who was born October 18th. I now have two more little people who need handmade pretties! It's given me a reason to want to learn to crochet (gotta make those cute little booties!) and to start knitting like a fiend again. I do need to finish the Year of the Pig bag. I have the main body and it's little piggledy backside done. Now I'm at a part that I hate doing...picking up stitches to make this little pig's face. I still need to find a lining fabric and get the zipper and metal feet. I can get the feet from Shelly at Twist (the GREATEST LYS that I have ever been to) but I had to get the pink sparklie plastic bamboo handles from Angelika's.

I promise to be back soon-