Monday, December 17, 2007


I've been back in the hospital since last Friday. I was smart enough to bring a knitting project with me. I started the Rasta Hat while I was waiting to be seen. I had most of the ribbing done by the time they got me moved into a room. I'm almost ready to start the decrease rows. I should have had it finished by now, but I have just been so tired. Did I mention that I had surgery on Saturday?

If the Knitting Gods are with me, I should have this one finished tomorrow and that should give me enough time to get the Orca Tails scarf finished by Christmas. I absolutely *LOVE* the Noro Silk Gardens yarn that I'm using for this project. I wish I could afford to use this for several projects. I think I might go ahead and use it for the Entrelac class. I want that scarf to be the yummiest thing ever!

Ever had really crappy customer service? Well, I had the best customer service ever this afternoon. A couple of weeks ago, while working on the Orca Tails scarf, one of my Harmony Options needles broke! I was so disappointed and sad. One of my pretty multicolour wood needles was now in pieces. I had been meaning to call Knit Picks to see about returning a cable that had a rough join and just hadn't gotten around to it. So today, when I got Knit Picks weekly email, I was reminded that I needed to call them. The woman that I spoke with was so incredibly nice! She's sending out replacements for both items and said that I didn't have to send the defective items back! Now that is fantatical customer service. It's service like the Old Viking used to give when Irwin Helford was still the boss. It's what all customer service should be, no matter what the company.

I've always recommended Knit Picks needles when someone would ask about interchangable needles. Now I can not only recommend them, but I will sing their praises from the highest mountain. Not often do you find a superior product with excellent customer service. Does my little heart good to know that it's still out there somewhere.

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