Friday, March 09, 2007

Yea! It's Knitting NIght!

Finally! What the hell took Friday so long to get here? Even though I'm really achy and kind of want to stay home and curl up in bed, I am so ready to go hang out with my knitting girlfriends. Rhiannon isn't feeling great, either, but her Granny is supposed to meet us at Malaysia Cafe to pick her up. I'm still shocked that she called to see if Rhiannon was free for the weekend.

I'm taking the two purses that I have started. One, I need help on working with the waste yarn and the other,'s pretty much the same bag, different yarn. My I-Cord bind-off needs a lot of work.

I'll be on my own when knitting is over tonight. Rhiannon is going to be with my mother and Henry is shooting the opera and some goofy VIP party afterward. So it's going to be me, some grape kool aid and the remote control....and my knitting, can't forget that.

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